Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

The novel " Me Befor You" by Jojo Moyes tells a story about two absolutly different people, living in different worlds that suddenly collide.

Will Traynor is a young buisnessman who has everything he wants in life. He is good looking, rich, successful and moves in the best circles. He dates beautiful women, is making exotic journeys and is always looking for the ultimative thrill. Until a bad accident is changing his whole life.

Louisa Clark is living in a little town where she is born and raised. She shares her home with her parents, her little sister and her nephew and her grandfather. The familiy is determined by financial problems and fear about unemployment and lost. Lou is working in a café. She loves her job and her customers and all the stories which are carried in this little café. Otherwise Lou´s life is characterized by a routine involving her family, her job and her boyfriend Patrick. Until the day, the café gets closed and Lou loses her job. But than she meets Will...

In her novel Jojo Moyes gives a new meaning to the word "Love".
At her new job as caregiver and home help Lou meets Will who is near-complete paralyzed after his accident. And she is confronted with a wall of anger, desperation and revulsion for a life that was not chose to be that way. But she also finds love she never considered to be possible.

At the beginning Jojo Moyes story is reminiscent of the Movie " Intouchables" which is based on the autobiography of Philippe Pozzo di Borgo.
But over the course of the novel Jojo Moyes story is becoming more moving, profound and controversial.

Due to Louisa we learn about the problems quadriplegics are confronted with every day and you only recognize when you see them yourself.
As reader you catch yourself now and than by doing the same mistakes when you meet disabled people. Starting with handshaking when you meet someone the first time right up to ignoring someone in a wheelshare until he is right in front of you, just to not get caught staring. Reading this book makes you realize how difficult life is for a disabled person even though there is a equality act.
Jojo Moyes describes how meticulous ever small step has to be planed to make it happen.

Next to all this problems Jojo Moyes is creating as big topic very smooth and gently. "What happends if the life that is chosen for me is not worth living anymore?" " Am I allowed to decide how and when to die?" and on the other hand "How can I allow the person I love to end her live ?" and " Is assisted dying comparable to murder?"

Jojo Moyes describes the fight to make a unwanted life livable and a love, which could be called strange or wrong, but which more right than everything you have ever heard.
This book is not for all one is worth looking for tears. It is so smooth and gently that you don´t even realize you have tears in your eyes or a smile on your face.
Jojo Moyes writing makes you see and feel Lou and Will right in front of you.

A great and powerful book worth to be read!!!

People, don´t let this book slipp through your hands.

Book Babe

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